Workshops, Training Courses and ESA Days

Benefit from our know-how and experience

Employee training and production support


Employee training is tailored to your company's specific operating system and takes place directly after system commissioning.

Your employees will become familiar with the structure, mode of operation and special features of the system and the ESA process control system. Correct operation and monitoring, as well as the detection and rectification of errors form a solid basis for the effective use of your system. In the course of production support, experience is gained and your knowledge can be put directly into practice.


Depending on the complexity of the automation, the production support and ongoing training lasts one to two weeks. During this time, an ESA software integrator will be on site to support you with any open questions and ensure that everyone involved with the system is optimally trained. 




Do you have specific objectives, such as system optimization to increase production? In customized workshops, we work with you to develop the optimum solution for your requirements, always taking your individual circumstances and customized framework conditions into account. 


ESA Days


Your production system is the focus of regular ESA Days. We accompany you during this time in production and carry out optimizations, modifications, small extensions and maintenance where necessary. The aim of ESA Days is to maintain the full functionality and nearly 100% availability of your system. 

We are happy to pass on our knowledge. 

Training courses and workshops increase the know-how of your company and your employees, thus your competitiveness. Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you on our offers. 



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