Current release notes.
Stand per 11.11.2024
- Übersetzung
Es wurden zusätzliche Begriffe für verschiedene unterstützte Sprachen eingepflegt bzw. auch einige bestehende Übersetzungen verbessert. - Feldlängen
Die Artikelbezeichnung wurde auf 60 Zeichen erweitert. Schnittstellen sind davon nicht betroffen. Weiters wurden mehrere Datenfeldlängen bzgl. Verladen-Aufträge erweitert. - Umlagerung
Geräteeinstellungen und Prüfungen für Umlagerungsbereiche wurden erweitert. Es wurden dazu auch Änderungen im Manager und im Systemserver vorgenommen.
- Bestellauswahl
Es wird hier nun auch der Kundenname zur Anzeige gebracht. - Aufträge
Artikelgruppen werden nun auch bei der Auftragsplanung und bei Abpackaufträgen zur Anzeige gebracht. - Reportdesigner
Der Reportdesigner kann nun auch ohne Administratorrechte des eingeloggten Windows-Benutzers verwendet werden. - Materialbedarfsplanung
Die Materialbedarfsplanung wurde überarbeitet, sodass bereits begonnene Chargen bzw. bereits fertig dosierte Artikel berücksichtigt werden können. - Kunden
Es kann hier nun auch eine Website in einem entsprechenden Datenfeld hinterlegt werden. - Auswertung Umlagerung
Es kann nun auch nach Buchungsgrund gesucht werden. - Verladung Stück
Es wurde einige Verbesserungen bzw. Erweiterungen durchgeführt (Gehe zu, einzelne Daten editierbar, positionsweiser Abschluss, …). - Auswertung Verladung Stück
Es werden nun auch Pos-Nr. und Artikeltyp zur Anzeige gebracht. - Abpackaufträge
Beim Anlegen eines Abpackauftrags können nun einige Daten übernommen werden: Kunde aus Bestellung, LHM-Typ kann aus der Komponentenverpackung, Chargencode von der Verladung.
- Abstellen
Die Schaltfläche ‚Abstellen‘ kann nun per Konfiguration ausgeblendet werden.
- Bestandsprüfung
Es wurde eine neue Funktionalität geschaffen, die zyklisch auf Materialverfügbarkeit der Transportauftrags-Positionen prüfen kann, um dies auf Logistik-Clients zur Anzeige bringen zu können.
- Auswahl Chargencode
Es kann nun durch stationsbezogene Konfiguration vorgegeben werden, ob bei Vorauswahl eines Lagerortes (PickToLight) der Chargencode automatisch gewählt und der Dialog zur Chargencodeauswahl unterbunden werden soll (Zwangs-Chargencode). - Etikettendruck
Bei der Eingabe der Anzahl der Etiketten wird nun nur mehr der Ziffernblock als Bildschirmtastatur angezeigt. Dies ist vorteilhaft bei kleineren Bildschirmauflösungen.
- Systemdaten
Die Systemdaten können nun linienbezogen konfiguriert werden.
- Rezeptoptimierung
Bei der Verarbeitung von Gleitkommawerten konnte es vorkommen, dass in einem bestimmten Fall eine Aufrundung stattfand, obwohl dies nicht notwendig bzw. gewünscht war. - SQL-Verarbeitung
In einem bestimmten Fall konnte die Verarbeitung einer Liste von Statements einen Fehler auslösen, wenn ein Statement nochmals zugewiesen wurde. - Fertigwaren - Produktionsmenge
Ein Problem bei der Behandlung der maximalen Produktionsmenge wurde behoben (DosingOrderAddCharge). - Buchung
In einem bestimmten Fall konnte beim Ermitteln des Lagerbestandes zur weiteren Verarbeitung ein SQL-Fehler auftreten.
- Kennzeichen auf Chargenebene
Ein Fehler in der Spaltendefinition Verladen Vorgänge LKW-Typ wurde behoben. - Versionshinweise
Der Link zu den Versionshinweisen hat nicht funktioniert. - Umlagerungsaufträge (RT)
Bei der Bearbeitung von Umlagerungsaufträgen wird der Durchsatz nicht mehr zurückgesetzt, wenn es nicht sinnvoll ist. - Kennzeichen-Zugang
Es konnte in einem bestimmten Fall vorkommen, dass ein Kennzeichen-Zugang redundant gebucht wurde. Es wird nun überprüft, ob das fragliche Kennzeichen tatsächlich neu zuzuordnen ist. - Materialbedarfsplanung
Bei Verwendung eines Spaltenfilters konnten SQL-Fehler auftreten. - Tabellarische Ansichten
Es konnte vorkommen, dass mehrzeilige Meldungen nicht korrekt dargestellt wurden. - Fertigwaren Linien Produktionsdaten
Die Zielauswahl zeigte nicht alle möglichen Linienziele. - Deklarationsdruck
Eine Sortierung der tabellarischen Ansicht war nicht möglich. Weiters werden nun nach Möglichkeit auch einige Variablen befüllt, die bisher nicht definiert waren, wenn kein Dosierauftrag vorhanden war. - Deklarationsdruck Abpackaufträge
Ein Problem beim Deklarationsdruck Abpackaufträge wurde behoben. - Transportauftragsstrategie
Die Zielkennzeichen konnten nach dem Hinzufügen nicht mehr entfernt werden. - Abpackaufträge
Beim Anlegen von Abpackaufträgen waren nicht alle möglichen Parameter verfügbar. - Artikelzuordnung
Eine Artikelzuordnung konnte auch bei fehlenden Daten aufgerufen werden (Lieferant, Komponente, Fertigware). - Frächter
Die Werte der Spalte ‚Status‘ wurden nicht korrekt dargestellt. - Kontaminationsstatus
Neue Einträge konnten nicht editiert werden. - Codegenerator
Wurde ein neuer Generator erstellt und dann gleich wieder gelöscht, so trat ein Fehler auf. - Einheiten
Beim Bearbeiten und folgendem Speichern von Einheiten wurden einige Daten nicht persistiert. - LKW
Beim Bearbeiten und folgendem Speichern von LKWs wurden Kesselgröße und -anzahl nicht persistiert. - Auswertung Anweisungen
Bei der Auswertung Anweisungen konnte es vorkommen, dass Daten fehlten. - Auswertung Abpackaufträge
Bei Änderung des Anzeigefilters konnte es vorkommen, dass die Darstellung der Daten nicht korrekt war. - Umlagerungsaufträge quittieren
Die Quittierung von Umlagerungsaufträgen wurde verbessert. - Tourenplanung
Ein Problem in der Tourenplanung wurde behoben. - Kommissionierung
Das Aktivieren einer Kommissionierung bei deaktivierter Option "Alle Einträge zeigen" funktionierte nicht. - Anweisungen
Eine Änderung des Druckers wurde beim Bearbeiten und Speichern einer Anweisung nicht persistiert.
Transitdepot Booking
- Systemprotokoll
Ein Systemprotokolleintrag war nicht korrekt formuliert.
- Komponente umlegen
Nach dem Umlegen einer Komponente auf eine andere Waage müssen zwingend die Daten aktualisiert werden, damit nicht doppelt umgelegt werden kann. - Dosierpriorität
Es konnte in einem bestimmten Fall vorkommen, dass die Dosierpriorität nicht korrekt ausgewertet wurde.
Runtime 8 FE
- Darstellung Schaltflächen
Die Anordnung der Schaltflächen konnte falsch dargestellt sein nach einer Größenänderung des Anwendungsfensters.
- Chargenrückverfolgung
Bei einem gewissen Timing eines infrastrukturellen Vorfalls, konnte es passieren, dass der auftretende Fehler nicht korrekt behandelt wurde und auch unnötige CPU-Last dadurch ausgelöst wurde. - Externe Deklarationen
Ein SQL-Statement bei der Verarbeitung von externen Deklarationen wurde korrigiert. - Auftragsexport
Kleinere Verbesserungen hinsichtlich Robustheit wurden vorgenommen. - SPS-Reportdruck
Zur Übergabe eines Zeitwertes aus SPS konnte es passieren, dass nicht die richtige SPS-CPU verwendet wurde.
- Routenfreigabe
Das Logging bei der TA-Routenfreigabe wurde verbessert (Buchung/Routenoptimierung). - Routenpriorität
Die Sortierung einer internen Datenstruktur muss nach Routenpriorität erfolgen. - Memory-Leak
In einem bestimmten Fall konnte in Kombination mit einem aktiven Detaillogging im Servicebetrieb ein Memory-Leak auftreten.
- Kommissionier-Verladung
Nachdem eine LHM angescannt wurde, war die Cursorposition (Fokus) nicht mehr korrekt.
Stand per 21.05.2024
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As of 21.05.2024
- Translation
Additional terms for various supported languages have been added or existing translations have been improved. - Reduction of SQL communication
Optimizations have been made to reduce redundant SQL communication. This mainly affects the System Server and Material Flow Manager modules. - SK target quantity
With appropriate configuration, it is now possible to calculate an SK target quantity based on the target quantities of the components. - LHM prefix
A prefix is now consistently used when generating an LHM.
- Recipe optimization for finished goods orders
Automatic optimization of finished goods orders can now also be done on a line-specific basis. - Information text QS entries
The restriction of the information text to 255 characters has been lifted.
- Dosing priority for semi-finished goods
The dosing priority for semi-finished goods was not always handled correctly. - Booking: Resolve negative stock
Resolving a negative stock on receipt must not consider booking indicators for the negative stock. - Booking: Resolve planning
Resolving a planning on receipt must take over the original timestamp of the planning. - Recipe optimization: Container optimization
Some detail data of the involved components were not adequately considered. - Material availability check
The consideration of open orders must only be done in the manager. - Barcode generation
The base number was limited to 7 digits but can range from 6 to 9 digits.
- Stock detail
The use of objects from the tree was not always correct after a refresh. - Components
When copying components, process recipes were sometimes copied twice. - DB revision
When activating a new manager for the first time, depending on the existing data model, a revision upgrade may potentially be carried out. The revision version should only be increased if everything has worked properly. - Configuration
The ESApack setting "Hide pause button" was persisted internally with a slightly incorrect identifier (unnecessary space).
Material flow manager
- Production scale strategy: LD optimization
The container calculation may generate additional automatic containers if the minimum number of containers has not been reached yet.
Transit depot booking
- Initialization check
The module may only start operation if certain infrastructural requirements are met. The check on the version of the booking functionality was not always correct, and the error message was also misleading.
- Translation
Additional terms have been added for various supported languages or existing translations have been improved. - Operator log
The restriction on the possible text length for an operator log entry has been removed. Thus, far more information can now be provided here than before. - GTIN14 barcode generation
When used appropriately or called with article information, the article is encoded into the GS1 base number.
- Process recipe
When editing process recipes, ComboBoxes no longer respond to mouse wheel actions to prevent input errors. - Dispatch order evaluation
The scanning time is now additionally displayed. - Packing order evaluation
The target quantity is now additionally displayed. - Retrospective weighing
Weighings can now be manually added retrospectively.
Runtime 8 Backend
- Automatic abort
After appropriate configuration and PLC execution, it can now be automatically checked whether further components can be transferred to a specific scale. If necessary, an automatic abort of the dosing process can be initiated if the data has changed since the start of dosing.
- Batch code lock
In case of a locked batch code, a system message is now displayed.
- Relocation
The message for a successful relocation has been expanded to show the source and destination storage location.
- Material Availability Check
Two different versions of the material availability dialog have been merged, so that it is now consistently displayed across modules. Furthermore, a problem with an incorrectly specified buffer length in PLC communication has been fixed. - Routing Optimization
If 2 LHMs were in stock according to certain criteria and one was blocked, it was still taken into account. - Booking: LHM Empty Message
When emptying LHMs, the original quantity was not entered. - Scale Driver S7ADAP
The scale status may only be queried if there is also a corresponding PLC configuration. - Optimization on Containers
When optimizing on containers with tolerance check, only piece goods scales may be considered. - User Rights
The user rights to delete and copy process recipes were not evaluated correctly. - Booking
In a specific case (overlap), the booking text was erroneously taken from the previous batch code.
- Article Label
When printing an article label, it could happen that the QR code was not included because a date could not be evaluated correctly. - Packing Orders
The order number and container were not displayed in the overview. - Automatic Logout
Upon re-login after an automatic logout, an unexpected error message could occur. - Process Recipe
The check if a block was added twice now also checks the "Step" attribute, so that different steps can use the same PLC. - Evaluation 'Production Sums'
The performance of the 'Production Sums' evaluation has been significantly improved. - Picking
When displaying the picking positions, it could happen in a specific case that too much data was mistakenly taken into account. - Order Planning
With the appropriate configuration, it can be checked when releasing orders whether a finished product has a mixed process recipe assigned. This check did not work correctly. - System Messages
A bug in the automatic acknowledgment has been fixed. - Shipping Orders
In a specific case, a program crash could occur when the option "Show old data" was selected. - Components: Packaging Assignment
The packaging assignment on a component must not be sortable in the column header. The order determines the priority. - User Password Change
When changing a user password, it was converted to uppercase. - Declaration Reprint
A problem with manually reprinting declarations has been fixed. - Packaging
A problem with creating a new packaging has been fixed.
System Server
- PLC Time Synchronization
It could happen that the time transmitted to the PLC was incorrect. - Full Logging
In a specific case, an invalid object access could unexpectedly terminate the current run prematurely (ordinal reference exception).
Runtime 8 Backend
- Alternative Silo Change
During an alternative silo change, a DEMO alias scale must not be transferred. - SQL Error when Evaluating Storage Locations
A functionality for finding storage locations based on article and batch code was incorrect. As a result, runtime errors could occur in database queries. - Component Data
For transferring component data to PLC, in a specific case, finding storage locations must not be done with batch code reference.
- Batch Finished Label
The batch finished label now also includes the batch code.
- Target Change
An error in the subsequent processing of a database query has been corrected.
As of 25.01.2024
- Translation
Additional terms have been added for various supported languages or existing translations have been improved. - Performance Improvement
Performance improvements have been made in processing the following data: components, open orders (VISU), license plate assignments, warehouse operations, warehouse stock, warehouse minimum stock, station assignments, scale components, dosing areas.
- Multi-line Headings in Tables
In a column definition, it is now possible to select whether headings should be displayed in multiple lines when space is limited. - User Management - Templates
It is now possible to create freely definable templates.
Transit Depot Booking: Bridging longer network outages
Longer network outages can now be bridged to the database until a connection is possible again (from the operating system). - Picking - Adjustments
Some adjustments have been made to picking (e.g. 'Go to'). Performance improvements have also been achieved. - Components
The article group is now also displayed in the tabular view of components. - Warehouse Locations - Info Text
Info text can now be stored on warehouse locations.
System Server: PLC bookings - automatic order creation
If orders are automatically created for PLC bookings, the maximum batch number can now be set via settings. - Analysis 'Packing Orders' - External Order Number
The external order number is available as an additional column in the 'Packing Orders' analysis. - RT8 BE: Material availability check at batch code level
A material availability check at batch level can now be carried out and transferred to PLC here.
Logistics Web: Picking - new station setting
A new station setting "Close current position when target quantity is reached" is now available.
- Tare Delay
A tare delay can now be configured on the station.
- MoveRT: Transfer Areas - Activation
Transfer areas can now be selectively activated or deactivated. - System Server: PLC Bookings - Status Feedback
It is now possible to report back to the PLC whether the booking was successful.
- Database Schema Information
An internal functionality for querying database schema information has been improved to handle longer-lasting network disruptions more stably. - Recipe Optimization - Residual Quantity Calculation
The tolerance of the scale is now taken into account in the residual quantity calculation. - Bizerba ST
An issue in the BIZERBA ST scale driver has been fixed (DecodeReceiveData). - Booking - Date Conversion
A data type conversion of a date value within a booking was not correctly performed in a specific case. - LHM Relocation - Article Base Unit
In an LHM relocation, only the base unit of the last article in an LHM was persisting in the operations. - Database Connection Data
When using multiple threads, it could happen in a specific constellation that after a longer module runtime, the database connection data was internally lost. The module then had to be restarted. - Recipe Optimization - Access Violation
An access violation could occur during optimization on a piece scale when no scale was available. - System Server: LHM Print - Production Date
The production date was not correctly determined. - MoveRT: Relocation with Source Batch Code - Additional Check
When setting 'Relocation with source batch code (valid only for one source and one destination),' only the current position list was checked for the presence of 2 positions. However, it was possible that already completed positions were no longer included here. Therefore, an additional check is now performed. - Transit Depot Booking: Warehouse Operations
When determining the relevant data, warehouse operations are now also included to prevent unintentional bookings due to time-related issues. - Trade: Gassner DMA03 - Timeout
A timeout issue in the DMA03 scale driver has been fixed.
- Feedback - Email
The email address has been updated. - Goods Receipt Piece
An issue with entering a supplier batch code in goods receipt piece has been fixed. Commas are no longer allowed for the number of packages. - Edit Dosing Order
It could happen that a specified change in the batch quantity was not applied. There is now a configuration setting that determines whether the 'Order Description 2' can be changed retroactively in general or only per batch. - Define Packaging Units - Search Filters
The search filters of the displayed tables were not functioning correctly. - Order Planning - Moving Orders
When moving orders, in certain rare cases, a necessary SQL statement to update the sort code could not be successfully executed. - Stock Inventory - Data Unavailable
If data cannot be retrieved for certain points in the stock inventory query, it is now handled better. - Stock by - Filter: LHM Number
In the 'Stock by' view, a filter must be specified to limit the amount of data. LHM Number is now considered a relevant filter in this regard. - Evaluation Packing Orders
Archived bookings were not taken into account. - Load Piece - Go to
'Go to' did not work with individually customized column definitions. - Mass Change Expiry Date Extension
An issue with the mass change of expiry date extension has been fixed. - Relocation
A relocation from 'non-batch-managed' storage locations could trigger an access violation in a specific case. - Transport Orders
Routes were not displayed for manually created TAs if 'CodeBaseUnit' was not defined. - Storage Location Audit
An SQL statement could not be executed in databases with older version or compatibility levels. - Operator Log Entry Goods Receipt
The operator log entry that occurs when deleting goods receipt entries was not correct.
ESA Logistics
- Transport Item Dialog - Expiry Date
An issue with disabled expiry date at the Transport Item dialog has been fixed. - Web: Relocation Expiry Date
When relocating non-batch-managed storage locations, it could happen that the expiry date was not correctly evaluated. - Persist Transport Entries
A timestamp when persisting transport entries is now uniformly done with the time of the DB system instead of the local system time.
- Identification Strategy - Order Reference
It could happen that the order reference was not correctly determined from the available data. - Reservation of AKL Boxes - Gram Scale
The weight values from gram scales were not correctly handled. - Production Scale Strategy - Contamination
When a container was checked for contamination and the distance to the 1st route destination was duplicated, an error could occur.
As of 06.09.2023
- Confirmation of tolerance error by password
In RT8 FE and ESAcom, confirmation of a tolerance error can now only be done after entering the corresponding password, following appropriate configuration (outside definable limits). - SSCC barcodes
SSCC barcodes are now supported in all standard modules as a basic feature. - Bridging longer network failures
In backend modules running in service mode, longer network outages can now be bridged to the database until a connection is possible again (from the operating system).
- Expansion of production planning
Production planning has been expanded to include 'available quantity' and 'active shipments'.
- New scale Höfelmeyer HTF215
A new scale of type Höfelmeyer HTF215 is now supported.
- New scale Rhewa RW82C2
A new scale of type Rhewa RW82C2 is now supported.
- Minimum stock calculation when booking
The minimum stock calculation within a booking was not only carried out in cases where it is actually relevant. - SQL schema changes for external archiving
SQL schema changes that may be necessary during an update could not be carried out correctly in the external archive database. - Shrinkage booking
Additional data is now processed in a shrinkage booking. - Memory leaks
Some minor memory leaks in booking and packaging functionalities were identified and fixed.
An internal passing of the booking date was not correct and could potentially lead to errors. In a specific case, it could also happen that a lost connection information was not handled correctly. - Establishing database connection
In an internal routine for establishing a database connection, only one connection attempt was made in a specific timing of a connection error. - Evaluating the item description
Performance improvements were achieved in various functionalities where an item description was read from the database. The handling of empty items was also corrected in the process.
- LHM filter for warehouse bookings
The LHM filter for warehouse movements now works for alphanumeric values as well. - Process recipes - check
When saving a process recipe, it is now checked if a specific module has been used twice. - Licensing - order planning
The user right "Edit dosing order" was not checked in order planning. - Order creation
When creating an order with a high number of batches, calculation errors could occur with the target weight. - Contract - invalid quantity
When editing a contract, a faulty formatting of the contract quantity mistakenly prevented saving if the contract quantity was higher than 1000.
- Recipe optimization
In a specific scenario, a lack of sorting in processing an SQL statement could lead to undesired behavior in recipe optimization.
As of 28.07.2023
- New batch order planning with recipe optimization
In order planning, it is now possible to create new batches with the support of recipe optimization in the system server. - Loading/picking evaluation
The 'Info' column is now displayed additionally.
- Batch code selection
After appropriate configuration, scanning a batch code can be enforced. - Transfer lock
It is now possible to lock the transfer of an item only for Logistics and LogisticsWeb modules.
- Sorting by target date
Orders can now also be sorted by target date.
- Note Tree View
In surfaces with a tree view, it could happen that a note was not displayed during a mouseover event. - Booking - Negative Stock Resolved by Receipt
In cases of "Negative stock resolved by receipt," the QSId must be taken into account. - Order Acknowledgment
An error in an SQL statement during the process of acknowledging an order was fixed (start of dosing). - Operator Log Entries
It could happen that operator log entries were not made if the entry exceeded the allowable maximum size. - Booking - Archiving of Stock Movements with Batch Code
Issues could arise during the archiving of stock movements within a booking when a batch code was specified and it was present with different upper/lower case letters. - Booking - Unlocking
When unlocking items, it could happen that information texts and label assignments were lost.
- Emptying Storage Location
Issues could arise when emptying a storage location in relation to LHMs present, depending on the licensing variant. - Edit Order
When editing an order, it could happen that the order description_2 of individual batches was overwritten. - Dosing Order Creation - Expiry Date
The initialization of the expiry date during the creation of dosing orders was not correct. - Packaging Units
The editing form for packaging units was improved. - Transfer Orders (RT) - Operator Log Entries
Operator log entries are now made for changes in transfer orders. - Transport Orders
An error could occur when editing transport order positions if a column definition was active. - Packaging Orders
The target date was not queried from the database when displaying packaging orders. - Evaluation of Packaging Orders
Several improvements were made to the evaluation of packaging orders (e.g. avoiding duplicate entries).
- PWS - LD Optimization
If the remaining quantity was less than the minimum scale weight, issues with LD optimization could occur with automatic components.
- Missing End Time in Logging of Actual Quantity during Intermediate Emptying
If no end time is specified by the PLC, it is assumed to be the current time.
- FIFO Order Violated
The batch code requirement was always set. This resulted in non-FIFO booking, but always booking the dosing quantity from the 1st batch code in stock.
As of 11.05.2023
- Booking Stability Improvements
Various improvements have been made to the booking procedures, which now ensure better stability, especially with external integration (e.g. LogistikWeb). - Romanian Language
The Romanian language is now supported. - Performance
Improvements have been made to increase the performance of SQL accesses related to characteristics. - Automated Voice Calls
The basic infrastructure has been created to be able to make an automated voice call with a predefined text in defined cases. For example, this can be done through the provider TWILIO.
- Transfer View (RT)
Several improvements have been made to the Transfer View (RT). - Mass Change LHM Print
The mass change 'LHM Print' now uses a generator. - Operator Log DB-View DML Statements
DML statements executed via DB-View now also appear in the operator log. - Order Planning
As long as no automatic station is assigned or an SPS status is set, an order can still be rearranged. - Stock (Details) - Empty Entire Warehouse
An entire warehouse can now be emptied and all existing allocations deleted. - Edit Batches
When editing batches, the entire batch quantity can now be changed. - Stock Details - Sorting
The cross-node representation when sorting the grid has been revised.
New Module
- Transit Depot Booking
A new standard module has been created for conducting cross-location bookings.
- Get Order
When 'Get Order' is selected, the first order is now automatically chosen.
- Source Pathfinding
Instead of the warehouse location, an LHM can now be scanned.
System Server
- Stock Export
The stock export has been improved to also consider LHMs.
- Deletion of booking info text when archiving
The deletion of the booking info text was not always performed when archiving batch codes. - Memory Leaks
Some memory leaks were identified and fixed. - LHM - Booking Selection
If an LHM was not valid in the booking selection, it could still be accepted. - Input in column filter
With automatic view updates, it could happen that the previous input was deleted prematurely. - Recipe Optimization
The subcode specification was partially ignored for participating scales or sum components. - Logging of Booking Errors
When logging booking errors, it could happen that the used XML was not entered if it was larger than 2045 characters. - Booking - QS-ID
When 'dissolve all reservations / plans' or when clearing, the QS-ID must also be considered. Otherwise, orphaned or faulty DB entries (stock_detail) result. - Handling of DateTime with XML
A different standard is now used for the conversion of DateTimeToXML, because with the previous implementation, there could be problems in certain cases with the correct handling of milliseconds.
- DB-View - Syntax Error
When executing scripts containing variables of the NVARCHAR data type, an unauthorized syntax error could occur. - Logout
Automatic logout could cause errors when closing certain views. - Stock Movements Sums
The sums of the displayed data in the stock movements view were no longer displayed. - Inventory
Some minor adjustments were made in the inventory area. - Stock Movements, Stock Bookings
The column filter for the LHM number was limited to 15 characters. - Production Finished Goods Evaluation
The SQL statements used were improved and the target quantity was added. - Mass Change Remove Flag
The mass changes 'remove flag' only worked if an expiration date was selected. - Contract Management
The fields 'Commission/to' and 'Already delivered' were missing. Furthermore, the display of contracts was also accelerated. - Stock Movements - Display Units
The display of the unit in the subdetail window was not correct.
• Stock per' with LHMs
The display of data with LHMs in the 'Stock per' view was not correct. - User Management
If only special rights were edited, the changes were not persisted.
Transport Orders - Filter Article Number
When using a filter on article number, transport orders where an LHM contains the respective article are now also considered. - Order Planning with Goals
Order planning with goals was no longer functioning.
- PWS - Incorrect Optimization Status
In case of a faulty TA creation, the optimization status "TA completed" could still be set. - Route Approval - Sequence of Dosing Orders
In the sequence check of dosing orders, the correct subcode might not have been checked for sum components. - Flag Strategies
Flag strategies now also consider the stock (LHMs must be in stock). - PWS - Calculation of Container Occupancy
It could happen that due to the intermediate emptying check, a container was filled based on quantity even though it would have been overfilled based on volume.
- Article Selection
If a check for batch code is required but it was not scanned, it must be scanned again. - Transfer Remaining Quantity
If a remaining quantity is transferred to another scale and the station assignment is already completed, it must be reopened. The scale unit is now also correctly considered. - Dosing Batch
The "Dosing Batch" button blinked during SPS release when no order was active.
Move RT
- Floating Point Values in Process Recipe
The handling of floating point values from a process recipe was improved.
Runtime 8 FE
- Display Scale Errors
The error "Pause - Scale Error" is now displayed in red like a material flow error and moved to the top.
System Server
- SPS Stock Request
An uninitialized variable could cause sporadic stability issues in the communication interface to the SPS. - System Server: Standard Transfers
An issue with the use of alphanumeric article numbers was fixed. A memory access error was also fixed, minor stability corrections were made, and logging was improved.
As of 06.03.2023
- Service operation
Some minor improvements were made for the operation of the backend modules as a service. Among other things, additional modules such as MoveRT were equipped with service compatibility. - Custom unit for DB schema
To expand the functionality around handling DB schema versions and their upgrades, a custom unit was created.
- Filter in order planning
It is now possible to adjust the visibility of lines.
- Exchangeable handhelds
For better standardization, the necessary configuration of a station has been largely shifted to the ESAweight system configuration. This reduces the configuration effort when exchanging handhelds.
Move RT
- Performance improvement
By optimizing the logic, certain PLC accesses could be saved, thus speeding up the process. In the course of this, the logging was also improved.
- Troubleshooting with Logging SQL Problem
When encountering an SQL problem, the line number was not correctly output in the logging. - Delete warehouse occupancy
When checking if a LHM still has active warehouse processes, reservations or plans were not
considered separately. - Conversion problem with XML booking
During a data type conversion via an XML booking, incorrect booking timestamps could occur. - Loader-Lock Booking DLL
When using the external booking DLL, a locker lock could occur, preventing the correct unloading
and thus preventing a proper shutdown of accessing modules.
- Dialog 'Loading equipment'
The check for invalid characters in the description has been improved. - Infrastructure version check
By using an unauthorized older Manager module, the check value of the
infrastructure version check could be falsified. - SQL problem when editing relocations
During the editing of a relocation, the result of an SQL query could be incorrectly calculated under certain
data constellations. - Incorrect check when overwriting a configuration file
An incorrect check allowed unauthorized overwriting of a configuration file. This
functionality is not used in current production or by end users. - Search field in warehouse movements
The search field in the warehouse movements was limited to 15 characters. - SQL problem relocation overview
The result of an SQL query in the relocation overview could, under certain data constellations, lead to
an excessive quantity in the sum of departures or entries.
- Competition check
In a specific competition check, the warehouse location of a LHM is now also considered.
• Rounding error in calculation of container quantity
Due to a rounding error, the calculation of container quantity in a production scale strategy
could be incorrect. - Update of LHM number in order
The update of the LHM number in the order has now been slightly adjusted to avoid colliding with the order
sequence check during route release. In such a case, it could happen that the correct sequence
was bypassed. - Buffering at another level
When buffering at another level, in rare cases, the transport type could be incorrect during route release. - Deadlock in route release
In a certain constellation (HDC removal via IDMP directly), a deadlock could occur in route release. - Route release: Check on source lift warehouse location
Lift warehouse locations, which are not transported with the transport type 'Lift', should only be considered if
they are already released.
- Batch code search
A bug in an internal batch code search without LHM was fixed. - Incorrect booking timestamp in batch code selection
The booking timestamp could be mistakenly taken from the original timestamp of the
relevant batch code during batch code selection.
System server
- Missing batch codes in standard relocation
In the standard relocation, it could happen that batch codes were missing in the 'Relocation_Pos' table. The
corresponding archive table was not considered in the relevant logic. - Memory leak
Due to an unexpected logical error, a memory leak of the automatic component acknowledgment
could occur. Such a logical error is now also brought to the operator as a warning in the system messages for
- Access authorization
Individual modules required full access to the license. Now read access is sufficient.
An issue with a localized resource could lead to a runtime error in a specific IIS configuration.
- Status value after recipe optimization
The follow-up status after recipe optimization is now adjustable.
- Mass change expiration date
It is now possible to edit the expiration date of a specific batch code via a mass change. - Adjustment contract management
The display is now restricted via a time filter. This increases efficiency and is of course freely adjustable.
- Picking route optimization
At the start of picking, the operator now has the option to initiate route optimization across all items.
Move RT
- Performance improvement
By optimizing the logic, certain PLC accesses could be saved and thus the process accelerated. In the course of this, the logging was also improved.
System server
- Report empty storage locations with empty LHMs
An automatic report can now also be made when empty LHMs are booked to a storage location. - PLC user login - multiple CPUs
Multiple CPUs with different DBs can now be used for the PLC user login.
- Exclude storage locations
Configurable storage locations and storage areas can now be explicitly excluded from the planning source of an MFM strategy.
- Sub-batch change
A operator text can now be displayed during a sub-batch change.
Metal check - GeniusOne
A Sesotech GeniusOne with SST protocol version 1.57 is now supported.
- Troubleshooting for Logging SQL Problem
When an SQL problem occurred, the line number was not correctly output in the logging. - Function "Batch already started by another station"
An SQL statement in an internal function to determine if a batch has already been started by another station has been improved.
- Inventory
Some minor adjustments have been made in the inventory area. - Searchgrid Refresh
A specific issue with automatic refresh in Searchgrids has been resolved. - Transfer Batches - Complete Order
An issue with completing an order has been resolved.
Mass Change Recipe Components
An SQL statement for mass changing recipe components has been improved. - Production Planning - Started Batches
An issue with processing already started batches has been resolved. - User Management
Copying user rights was not functioning.
- Route Release with Successor Order Check
The wrong setting was used for route release with a check on successor orders. Thus, it always checked with the old transport sequence.
- Alternative Switching with Scale Change
In an alternative switching with scale change, the current component was not completed. - Components with Target Quantity 0
Components with a target quantity of 0 were no longer completed.
That was not all!
Information about older software versions is available upon request.